Team Human is a grass roots, decentralized, corruption proof, community based alternative to the current governmental institutions. We are conscious individuals who know our Natural Law rights. We are choosing to unite to take action towards solving the challenges and threats our community is facing. We recognize the divide and conquer strategies being waged against us which are attempting to hold us back. In response, we choose to unite our true care for the wellbeing of all individuals. We chose to move forward as sovereign beings doing the true great work, in the light for all to see, with Love as our guiding force. Come get involved and see how your unique skills and gifts can benefit your community through action.
To connect and form Team Human (like mycelium), it is important that you first gain knowledge to understand your Natural Law rights. In beginning your journey towards aligning your life with this ancient wisdom taught by all mystery school traditions, a great starting point is Mark Passio & The Science Of Natural Law Documentary and then his following three part presentation: Natural Law - The REAL Law Of Attraction & How To Apply It In Your Life. For more in depth and ongoing study, it is valuable to start at the first episode of the What on Earth Is Happening Podcast Series and make your way through the episodes in order, at your own pace to experience your consciousness be expanded.
Housing and Food for All is a grassroots, non-government tied, fully independent, corruption-proof, community led and supported initiative. This community has had enough of the inaction, incompetence and complicity of all levels of government that have caused the housing and food crises. We are sovereign individuals asserting our Natural Law rights to choose to work together on solving these crises ourselves, with courage and care, on our own terms, as we see fit, without asking for permission from any fictitious “so called” authority.
We are looking for skilled, courageous, strong willed, highly conscious community leaders who understand their Natural Law rights to join our Elder’s Circle (of all ages) that will manage and oversee this project. Our administration structure will be in an open source wiki format including an open ledger where all financials will be open to the public therefore making our efforts transparent and corruption proof. Keeping our project open source will allow other communities to learn from our efforts and allow them to more easily start a similar project in their area through this sharing of knowledge.
Once we have built our strong, accountable, trustworthy and capable team, the Elder’s Circle will lead a community crowdfunding, micro-loan fundraising campaign as well as a campaign to search for land owners who are willing to offer sites and hold space for new neighbours. We will ask for small, interest free loans from those in our community who see the vision and are in the position to lend to this project. Because we are operating in private as a members association and not as a public commercial operation, we can not use the traditional payment options like debit, credit cards or e-transfer. Lenders can choose to make their loans in cash or cheques that will be cashed and securely stored in a safe with the balances being posted to our transparent, public, open ledger. The cash will go towards paying local labour, trades, as well as mentoring and training apprentices. They can make their loans in gift cards or prepaid credit crds for materials from local sawmills, lumberyards and hardware stores. We will also take loans through the payment app Wise as well as in physical gold, silver, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies that can be easily exchanged to fiat currency as need be for labour and supplies.
For land owners interested in hosting sites, we will send out a questionnaire they can submit with details on their potential sites with photos to share. Once we identify the most easily accessible potential sites, will send out our site team for a visit to ensure safe delivery of the homes is possible.
In this private members association framework we are operating in the private, not for commercial purposes so as such we are not operating under any of the immoral “man made” laws of commercial business jurisdiction, or within the outdated, corrupt and broken landlord tenant act. In the private, we do not need to comply CRA taxation “laws” or with immoral zoning and building permits, or any of the district’s “laws”. Their authority is non existent and does not apply to those operating in the private. We operate with a deep reverence for the land in our community and as professionals, we know how to build and live in balance with nature so we will not harm our mother. The Elder’s Circle will lead the writing of the private members association’s agreement of participation that will protect land owners and new neighbours’ Natural Law rights.
To pay back the interest free loans to the community lenders and to provide monthly donation gifts to the land owners hosting the sites, there will be a monthly donation required by the sovereign neighbour choosing to live in the structure. The neighbours will give this monthly donation gift to the private members association who will then make donations to the lenders and land owner hosts. It will be encouraged that there be consideration for negotiating part barter or other energy exchange agreements between the land owner and the new neighbour.
Our building strategy is to construct inspiring, efficiently built homes using cutting edge geodesic dome building techniques made with locally milled lumber making them more affordable per square foot than traditional construction. These on or off-grid, well insulated, modular homes will be built on wood deck frames that can be built in up to 10’x40’ sections, delivered on trailers, then removed to stand on deck block or screw pile foundations. By not building the homes directly on trailers, we will be able to save up to $25,000 per home on the build costs. As family sizes and needs vary, these homes can stand alone or be connected together to offer more room for larger families. We will also offer year round greenhouses built and delivered using the same techniques that will add to the food security for the family or individuals new home and will compliment larger outdoor gardens. Greenhouses can be attached to homes for passive solar heating. The private members association’s property management team will not only help maintain the building structures and provide support for the landlords and the new neighbours, they will also teach gardening and other skills to assist everyone in becoming more self sufficient. We will prioritize purchasing lumber and other building materials first from the small, local mills and producers. It is our intention that this will lead to further incentivizing new producers and opportunities to value add the resources we have access to in our community that can be used in our builds. Our mentorship goals include community workshop space for knowledge sharing while expanding the potential of affordable cabinet and furniture builders. This proposal is a living document and is meant to be an initial framework model to get the ball rolling in a new pioneering way towards solutions to problems. We value your expertise, skills and experience and welcome your feedback and input on the above proposal. In the spirit of abundance, cooperation and unifying our community towards solving some of the challenges we face, I thank you for taking the time care to read this proposal. On the path to truth, love and freedom, Skye Miller
Engage your Will and true Courage. Break free and choose where to funnel that lost energy. Not for the faint of heart, this adds a greater level of self-responsibility and awareness. Contact us for more details.
Team Human and The Natural Law study group is hosted by Andrew Skye Miller. Skye is a father, a builder, a geodesic dome carpenter at www.AndrewSkyeMiller.com and a sovereign domesteader living in Winlaw, BC, Canada. Since coming into an understand of and aligning his life with Natural Law, Skye is excited to do the one great work of teaching this timeless, ancient wisdom on the laws of morality which have been handed down to us over thousands of years through ancient mystery school traditions. Skye's Love and deep Care for his three adult daughters, Quinn, Camille and Rilynn motivate him to take right action at speaking these truths into the world. He feels this is the greatest gift he can give them, to help shine light upon the darkness of our world through an act of will and courage and to offer empowering solutions to the problems humanity faces.
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